Koddn PHP Router

Koddn Php router is simple php class developed by Harpal Singh that can easily handle routes in a PHP application Website : Koddn Technologies



Get the Koddn Php Router

// composer auto loader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


// match get request
    // ..do something 
    $res->send("Welcome to Koddn Php Router");

Usage - method 2

Simply add src/KODDN_ROUTER.php file in your project;

// composer auto loader
require __DIR__ . '/src/KODDN_ROUTER.php';

// match get request
    // ..do something 


You can use patterns to match the request

In the below example we are capturing user id from the url

// URL => /api/user/111


    // $req['params]=>['id'='111']


In the example we are capturing using

// URL => /flight/india-usa


    // $req['params]=['from'=>'india','to'=>'usa'];
    $from =$req['params']['from'];
    $to = $req['params']['to'];

// URL => /post-name-apc/123

    // $req['params']=['postID'=>'123'];
    $postID =$req['params']['postID'];
    // do something


Route Handlers

We can use multiple callback functions to handle the route

ROUTER::get('/some-url', function($req,$res,$next){

    // Do something here
    echo "START" ;

    // call Next Callback, control goes to next callback function


    echo "END";  // task completed


Also, if we want the edited request to be referenced in next callback then use &$req as request parameter

ROUTER::get('/dashboard', function(&$req,$res,$next){

    // if user authorized
    $req['userID']= "someUserID";



   // now you can have use the req.userID here as well


Sample how we can use it as middleware for authentication

ROUTER::post('/login', function(&$req,$res,$next){

    // do the authorize stuff here


   // do something if authorized
  // grantAccessToSomething



//ROUTER::redirect('/url-to-match', callbackBeforeRedirect, 'redirect to url', $replaceHeaders=false (optional), $redirectCode =301 (optional));
ROUTER::redirect('/url-to-match', function(){/*do some logs*/}, '/new-url', $replaceHeaders =false/*( boolean optional)*/, $redirectCode=301 /*(int optional)*/);


With Koddn PHP router either you can manually handle responses, or you can use the built-in ones.

ROUTER::post('/about', function($req,$res,$next){
 $res->send("About us");

Send JSON data

ROUTER::post('/api/user', function($req,$res,$next){
    $userData=['name'=>"Harpal Singh", 'id'=>11];

Set Header Status Codes

ROUTER::post('/api/user', function($req,$res,$next){

     $res->setStatus(404)->send('Not Found');

Clear cookies

ROUTER::post('/api/user', function($req,$res,$next){
     // clear all cookies

     // clear specific cookies

     // do something


Clear cookies

ROUTER::post('/api/user', function($req,$res,$next){
    // clear Sessions

     // do something


End request

It is similar to die();

ROUTER::post('/api/user', function($req,$res,$next){
    // clear Sessions
      // do something


Redirect using Response

//ROUTER::redirect('redirect to url', $replaceHeaders=false (optional), $redirectCode =301 (optional));
ROUTER::post('/api/user', function($req,$res,$next){
    // clear Sessions
     $res->redirect('/new-url',$replaceHeaders=false /*(optional)*/, $redirectCode =301  /*(optional)*/);
      // do something


ALL Functions

ROUTER::any('/url-to-match',function(&$req,$res,$next){}/*, function(&$req,$res,$next){}*/);
ROUTER::post('/url-to-match',function(&$req,$res,$next){}/*, function(&$req,$res,$next){}*/);
ROUTER::get('/url-to-match',function(&$req,$res,$next){}/*, function(&$req,$res,$next){}*/);
ROUTER::put('/url-to-match',function(&$req,$res,$next){}/*, function(&$req,$res,$next){}*/);
ROUTER::delete('/url-to-match',function(&$req,$res,$next){}/*, function(&$req,$res,$next){}*/);
ROUTER::redirect('/url-to-match', function(){/*do some logs*/}, '/new-url', $replaceHeaders =false/*( boolean optional)*/, $redirectCode=301 /*(int optional)*/);

//$req = ['$fullUrl' => $fullUrl, 'url' => $url, 'path' => $path, 'params' => $params, 'rPath' => $rPath];

$res->send('Some Text');
$res->json(['id'=>11,'name'=>'Harpal Singh']);
//redirect using response
$res->redirect('/new-url',$replaceHeaders=false /*(optional)*/, $redirectCode =301  /*(optional)*/);
// Exit
// clear all cookies
// clear specific cookies
//set Status
$res->setStatus(404)->send('Not Found');